• Web Hosting

  • Business Cloud VPS or Powerful Dedicated Server Web Hosting Services

    Seamlessly scale your hosting resources as your needs evolve.

  • We setup, secure, maintain, and add in basic monitoring to your server so that you can concentrate on running your site.


    Our cloud-based VPS plans utilize an enterprise-grade Storage Area Network (SAN), which provides redundant data protection across multiple hard drives. Amazon AWS and Off-cloud backups are also provided daily to ensure total data protection!


    Easily add resources whenever you need them! Our Cloud VPS hosting packages give you the power to configure your hosting environment to your exact specifications. Increasing and decreasing resources dynamically allows for optimal management of your hosting experience.


    You are only obligated to pay for the period you commit to - there are no long-term contract requirements. We feel that it is your right to cancel at any time without hassle.


    Easily add resources whenever you need them! Our Cloud VPS hosting packages give you the power to configure your hosting environment to your exact specifications. Increasing and decreasing resources dynamically allows for optimal management of your hosting experience.


    Support Bay's network features 24/7 monitoring, multiple bandwidth providers, and an overlay network to deliver your data in the quickest way possible. Our unique SSD caching technology improves overall page load speeds as well.


    Our data centers utilize on-site security, redundant switches, routers, power systems, and many additional features.  Our powerful datacenters,  feature high-performance, carrier-neutral data lines.   

  • Support Bay provides a free license to Cpanel and WHM which provides simplicity in setting up your own web hosting environment. So trust your website hosting to Support Bay for exceptional support and affordable prices.